OREANDA-NEWS. III International Scientific and Practical Conference on Railway Engineering “IRIS - Quality, Innovation, Modernization” to be held in Moscow on 1 April 2011. The conference will bring together legislative and executive authorities from Russia, representatives of international organizations UNIFE and IRIS, the heads of Russian and foreign railway engineering enterprises and representatives from the scientific and technical community, reported the press-centre of Russian Railways.

The conference is being organised by the non-profit partnership Union of Rail Equipment Manufacturers with the support of Russian Railways and the Russian Engineering Union.

A detailed conference programme is available at www.opzt.ru.

Venue: Renaissance Moscow Hotel, Olympic Prospect, 18/1.

For more information, please contact the Quality Bureau at Technotest: +7 (499) 262-89-35 or the Union of Rail Equipment Manufacturers: +7 (499) 262-27-73, e-mail: bureautechnotest@gmail.com.