OREANDA-NEWS. February 14, 2011. British brand valuation consultancy Brand Finance has published a regular annual rating of the top 500 banking brands in the world. Just nine credit institutions from the list are domiciled in Russia, reported the press-centre of Bank Saint Petersburg.

Bank Saint Petersburg was included in the rating for the first time and was ranked 7th among Russian banks at once. USD 180 mln was the value of the Bank given by the analysts from Brand Finance. Bank is rated 474th among the banks all over the world included in the rating. 

Brand Finance has been rating global banking brands from 1996. The analysts calculate the brand value not only on the basis of a logo and a corporate look, but they also analyze a number of factors such as: the dynamics of credit institution’s capitalization on the equities market, financial performance, prospects for the nearest five years, consumers’ attitude to a brand, profitability and market share.