OREANDA-NEWS. February 28, 2011. According to the Customs Service’s data, 639 million lei were transferred to the state budget in 2010, up 7% from the figures stipulated last year. At the same time, the share of Customs Service’s transfers to the state budget went down from 66.5% in 2009 to 64.5% in 2010.

The most part of money was received from VAT payments made by economic agents – 6.98 billion leis and from the excise taxes – 1.7 billion leis. About 57% of all customs payments were provided by the Chisinau Customs. Finance Minister Veaceslav Negruta ordered the Customs Service to focus on customs administration, risk identification, rise in payments to the budget and elimination of “corridors” for illegal actions of juristically literate people this year.

The Minister also drew attention to the corruption factors which prevent from fulfillment of the customs’ main task – provision of Moldova’s economic stability. Veaceslav Negruta suggested taking Romania’s experience and to carry out spot checks together with other controlling structures of Moldova to discourage customs officers from participation in the illegal schemes.