OREANDA-NEWS. April 20, 2011. Ukraine cannot dispute the issue of 2009 gas contracts with Russia in court, President Viktor Yanukovych said answering journalists' questions at a joint press conference with European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso.

"Ukrainian court cannot decide on the actions of Russia. This kind of prosecution would only concern the Ukrainian side," he said.

The President stressed that the actions of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine in this case are limited by the current legislation of Ukraine.

"As for any decisions regarding the officials, who signed the agreement or was involved in it, they can be made only by the court," Viktor Yanukovych said.

For his part, the European Commission President said Ukraine remains a very important and close partner of the EU in the energy sector.

"That is why we insist on our Association Agreement also including a section on energy cooperation. That is why the EU is taking part in modernization of Ukraine’s gas transportation system," Jose Manuel Barroso said.

He added that Ukraine’s recent accession to the Energy Community and the corresponding modernization of our country’s energy legislation only improve the predictability of relations between Ukraine and the EU.