OREANDA-NEWS. April 26, 2011. The construction project of No. 8 JNX3-70-1 Coke Oven (60-hole, 7m) of Anshan Iron & Steel Group was commenced by the 3rd China Metallurgical Construction Group (3MCC Group), reported the press-centre of MCC.

As one of the key parts of the Phase 4 Coke Oven Transformation Work of the Chemical Industry Plant of Anshan Iron & Steel Group, the abovementioned oven has been listed as one of the works under the National High Technology Research and Development Program ("863"Program) of China.

This oven is of the new generation one designed by ACRE Coking & Refractory Engineering Consulting Corporation of MCC (ACRE), with an annual metallurgical coke output of 750,000 tons. Compared with the previous generation, this new type is endowed with quite a few technical light-spots: (i) the width of carbonization chamber is larger than 500mm, which is the maximum width for coke oven of 7m; (ii) 3-sectional heating method is employed for the blast-furnace gas; (iii) on the partition of the combustor, two outlets are fixed for air/gas; and (iv) large-sized coke pusher (7m) with dust collecting plant is employed, which is the latest patent of Dalian Heavy Machinery.

This new oven is not only be featured by advanced level in terms of furnace body design, coke oven machinery and technical process, but also advantages in terms of tight structure, even heating, high heating efficiency, low investment and long service life. After being commissioned, it is proved to be without gas, dust and smell generated during operation, with quite a few indicators complied with the environmental requirements. On this ground, it is deemed to be the brand new large-sized coke oven conforming to the reality in China.

Under this project, 3MCC Group is manly responsible for the masonry works of No. 8 coke oven and the flue, the installation works for technical equipment of No. 8 coke oven and the construction of the hot-state coke oven. It is expected that the new oven will be completed and put into operation in November of this year.