OREANDA-NEWS. May 05, 2011. According to data for four months of 2011 in eighteen seaports processed 37 million 316 thousand consignments that is by 3.5% more than the same period of 2010. The total amount of processing of transit goods in January-April was 13 million 966 thousand tons - on 25,5% more than last year.

In addition, in warehouses of ports 3 million 785 thousand tons of cargo are waiting for processing.

It should be noted that the Ministry of Infrastructure supports initiatives of the ports, which attract new freight flow. Now the ports are working on a program to increase rear areas and expansion of rail lines and truck unloading areas that will increase the daily rate of freight car operations and improve performance as ports and railway.

Among the leaders in growth in the amounts of amounts of cargo operations as a result of four months of 2011 are:

Berdyansk port - processed 49% more goods than in January - April 2010;

Sevastopol and Yalta ports - an increase of 36%;

Reni port - an increase 19,4%.

Among the leaders on the increase of processing of goods in transit:

Kerch Port - processed 155% more goods than in January - April 2010;

Berdyansk port - a 124% increase;

Port "Southern" - a 63% increase.

Recall the basic goods that operate in Ukrainian sea ports are: ore, grain, metals, coal, oil, oil products and container.