OREANDA-NEWS. May 20, 2011. About it it was told during the seminar which has passed in Chisinau on a theme "Development of non-cash payments", organised within the limits of cooperation of company Visa with National Bank of Moldova, banks-clients and other interested parties. As vice-president of National Bank Emma Tabirta has noted , the National Bank considers non-cash payments as the effective tool of stimulation of economy and a necessary element is high-grade the functioning financial market of Moldova.

Emma Tabirta has added that recently the quantity and volumes of operations grows in Moldova with a cash that, in turn, can lead to shadow economy growth, reduction of a profitable part of the budget and decrease in efficiency of a monetary policy. Within the limits of a seminar the National Bank of Moldova has held a working meeting with company Visa and representatives of state structures for the purpose of discussion of methods of development of non-cash payments in the country.

The seminar was attended by representatives of the National Bank, Visa Company, Ministeries of Economy, Finance, State Tax Inspectorate, Customs Service and law enforcement agencies of Moldova. During a meeting participants have discussed a wide spectrum that, connected with the further development of the market, in particular, questions of development of a network of reception of cards and popularisation of use of non-cash payments among the population, and also the international experience of the state regulation directed on stimulations of use of electronic payments and struggle against shadow economy.

Participants of a meeting also have concerned important safety issues of the clearing settlements connected with management by risks and protection of the information. Representatives of Visa Company have informed National Bank of Moldova on what actions on maintenance of high standards of safety are undertaken by the company in Moldova and the world.