OREANDA-NEWS. June 09, 2011. Ukraine will continue negotiations on diversification of deliveries of energy carriers, in particular natural gas, with objective of maintenance of a power security. The Prime minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov said this at the Viennese economic forum "The Innovation: expansion of innovative space".

Mykola Azarov informed that now Ukraine on 100 % depends on deliveries of the Russian natural gas, however actively works above diversification of deliveries of energy carriers to Ukraine. "Ukraine depends on 100 % on deliveries of the Russian energy carriers, and sometimes we collide that the prices which establish to us on energy carriers, are not optimum for us, in my opinion. Therefore now we exert every effort for the organization of deliveries of energy carriers from other countries", - the Prime Minister of Ukraine emphasized. He added that in this year there will be begun construction of the terminal for the liquefied gas which can accept nearby 10 billion cube m of the liquefied. Also Ukraine negotiates with Azerbaijan and the countries of the Central Asia for deliveries of energy carriers.

Besides it Mykola Azarov said that Ukraine had significant potential in scientific, innovative, transit and agrarian branches.

At the same time the Prime Minister of Ukraine noted that Ukraine welcomed the Danube initiatives and he emphasized that now Ukraine spent modernization of the ports which would assist progress of navigation to the route Danube-Black Sea.

Mykola Azarov emphasized, that yesterday he had productive discussion with the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin concerning a rise in prices on energy carriers took place. By results of negotiations it is arranged to continue consultation on this issue.