OREANDA-NEWS. June 15, 2011. Ingisstrakh OJSIC is acting as official partner and insurer for tennis tournament ‘Tennis Legends in Moscow’ which will take place on tennis courts of the National Tennis Centre named after Juan Antonio Samaranch on June 12. Ingosstrakh OJSIC has insured public liability of CJSC Kremlin Cup regarding organizing and holding the tennis tournament. The insurance limit was set at USD 100,000.

The Tennis Legends in Moscow is a one-day team tournament. Two teams will compete in the event: the Russian Team featuring Evgeny Kafelnikov and Marat Safin with Shamil Tarpischev and the team captain and the World Team represented by Goran Ivanisevic (Croatia) and Carlos Moya (Sapin) with Bjorn Borg (Sweden) as the team captain.

The tournament includes 5 matches (four singles and one double). The team scoring 3 wins the tournament.

Apart from exciting competition between tennis stars spectators will also be offered entertaining contests, shows and autograph-sessions between the matches.

It should be noted that the Russian Tennis Federation and Ingosstrakh OJSIC have been long-term partners. The insurance company has been supporting tennis events in the framework of its social activity since 2001. Ingosstrakh OJSIC has traditionally acted as a General Sponsor of the most significant international annual tennis tournament held in Moscow – the Kremlin Cup. For several years in a row Ingosstrakh OJSIC has supported matches of such international tennis events as the Davis Cup and the Federation Cup held in the capital of Russia. In 2008, the insurance company supported events marking the 100th anniversary of the Russian Tennis Federation.