OREANDA-NEWS. June 16, 2011. The World Oceans Day and the National Oceanic Day for China 2011 was hosted in Dalian City on 8 June 2011, featuring oceanic developments during the century after the Xinhai Revolution as the theme. The list of the Ten Oceanic Persons of the Year 2011 was announced in the event. Mr. Hao Zhenzhan, a manager of COSL’s Nanhai 2 drilling platform, was honored to be named.

The World Oceans Day and the National Oceanic Day for China 2011 event was co-hosted by many departments including State Oceanic Administration, Committee of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Conservation of the National People’s Congress, Population Resources Environment Committee of the National Political Consultative Conference, Press Administration of the Publicity Department of Central Committee of CCP. Election for winners of the Ten Oceanic Persons of the Year constituted a key event of The World Oceans Day and the National Oceanic Day for China 2011 and is aimed at showcasing the country’s work on nurturing and guiding proper understandings and values towards modern oceans and bringing the influence of oceans among the general public to the next level, thereby strengthening the public’s understandings in oceans. The 10 finalists were picked out of 48 nominees following several polling exercises conducted online, via short messaging and expert assessments under the supervision of State Oceanic Administration and www.people.com.cn.