OREANDA-NEWS. July 5, 2011. One of these days in Barnaul, Company’s management and representatives of "Lenta" Administration for Siberia and the Urals met with suppliers and manufacturers of products in Altai region

More than 30 representatives of companies - suppliers in Altai region gathered for the round table discussions in order to sum up the four-year cooperation with "Lenta" Company and, certainly, to talk over the future prospects.

"Lenta" Company has entered the market of Altai region in 2007 with opening its hypermarket in Barnaul city. Products made by local manufacturers appeared on our shelves since the first days of its work. In the course of time, the number of local suppliers and their share in the trade turnover of Barnaul hypermarket has increased, as well as the overall turnover of the store.

Today "Lenta" works with more than 40 Altai companies whose share in the turnover of the store has become more than 30 %. Some manufacturers reached the federal level, the other are supplying products not only to Barnaul, but also to all the trade stores of the company in Siberia and the Urals region.

Vladlen Petrovich Duplik, General Director of "Altai Honeycraft Center", shared his experience of cooperation with "Lenta". He noted that cooperation with the company allowed him to enter the markets of the country’s other regions, and achieve full production capacity, and predicted the trade turnover.

Equally successful was the work of "Lenta" with the company "Renaissance Cosmetic", which not only delivers products to 39 stores of the chain, but also, having passed the required auditing procedures, since 2008 produces goods under private trademarks - "365 days" and "Lenta". Last year trade turnover of "Renaissance Cosmetic" in the chain of hypermarkets grew by 65 % in comparison with 2009.

In its turn, "Lenta" thanked its suppliers for the fruitful work: Individual Enterprise "Andryukova" was marked in nomination "For the increase of own products supplies"; Limited Liability Company "Altai Biscuit Company" received the prize "For active position in promoting own brands"; Limited Liability Company "Brukke" - "For strict observance of delivery schedules"; Company "Altai sausages" was recognized "The Best Altai supplier".

"In the Altai region there are enough manufacturers of products capable to work effectively with major federal companies: to offer high-quality goods in necessary volumes and observe delivery dates. We will have to build another trade store to accommodate all of their products on our shelves" - summarized Anna Bogush, the regional director for Siberia and the Urals region.

And of course the company is planning expansion in the Altai region. Today the share of hypermarkets by 100 thousand Barnaul residents amounts to 0.31, which is not enough for a city with a population over 650 thousand.

The city Administration is also interested in interaction of the local manufacturers with the major federal companies, rendering the necessary support in this respect. This, undoubtedly, has positive effect on the Territory's economy and increases the people’s well-being.