OREANDA-NEWS. July 11, 2011. During the World Lithuanian Economic Forum, the President of Bank SNORAS Raimondas Baranauskas gave the “Business Ambassador of Lithuania” award to Ilja Laurs, the founder and co-owner of “GetJar”, the world's most popular mobile games and programs web page. This nomination was founded three years ago by Bank SNORAS in cooperation with its long-term partner, the Lithuanian Business Confederation | ICC Lietuva, reported the press-centre of Bank SNORAS.

“By means of the founded “Business Ambassador” nomination we want to express gratitude and to encourage those people whose activity makes the country's business famous and who tread the first paths to new and not always familiar states. I'm glad to give Ilja Laurs the award for encouraging the partnership of Lithuanian and foreign business, – states Raimondas Baranauskas, Bank SNORAS President and the Chairman of the Board. – I trust that this nomination will not only give significance to the work that was done by the business ambassador of 2010 as well as to the acknowledgement, but will also give more enthusiasm and confidence to all diplomats, politicians, businessmen and other public figures who represent Lithuania abroad.”

According to the President of Bank SNORAS, the Bank engages in activity in Lithuania, actively expands in Latvia, Estonia and other states, therefore it knows very well about the importance of the publicity of the country and its business. “The establishment of every new branch or representative office of the Bank's subdivision outside Lithuania was really a difficult challenge. Our experience shows that the examples of the development of successfully developed Lithuanian businesses that have overstepped state borders by means of their activity is a great value when it is necessary to present the country in which we engage in activity to potential partners or investors,” states Bank SNORAS President R. Baranauskas.

According to him, it is symbolic that I. Laurs, who started active public activities in 2009 in the World Lithuanian Economic Forum, this year during this event is presented with the award for making the name of Lithuania famous by his business achievements and international assessments, articles in world famous economics magazines, economics forums. 

Five years ago, the “GetJar” project that was created in Lithuania currently is the world leader in the sphere of mobile applications distribution. In 2009, I. Laurs was acknowledged as one of 40 most influential persons in the world telecommunications industry, and in December last year in Los Angeles “GetJar” won the title of the best mobile service in the world. The European Business Press Association declared I. Laurs the manager of the year of Europe 2011; he became the first company manager in Eastern Europe who received this prestigious award.

Last year, the “Business Ambassador 2009” nomination of Bank SNORAS was won by Antanas Vinkus who at that time was the ambassador of Lithuania to Russia, while in 2009 the “Business Ambassador 2008” award was given to Vygaudas Usackas who then held the office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Bank SNORAS is also a long-term patron of the “Partnership Leader” nomination of the Lithuanian Business Confederation | ICC Lietuva.