OREANDA-NEWS. July 28, 2011. These are the data of the European countries ranking of natural gas prices for population made up by experts of the Center for economic research RIA-Analitica. Moldova ranks 26th among 32 countries. Private consumers in Moldova pay 12.89 Russian rubles for 1,000 cubic meters of gas. Kazakhstan’s residents pay the least – 2.1 rubles for 1,000 cubic meters.

Ukraine is the second to have the smallest gas price (31st place), where population pays 3.3 rubles for 1,000 cubic meters. One of the largest world gas producers – Russia – ranks the third in terms of gas prices from the end of the ranking – 3.7 rubles for 1,000 cubic meters, 12 times less than the ranking’s leader – Sweden and 5.4 times less than on average throughout Europe. Belarus is in the five of the ranking from the end – 4.8 rubles for 1,000 cubic meters. Sweden’s residents pay most of all – 45.5 rubles. It is followed by Denmark – 45.2 rubles, Italy – 32.8 rubles.

The Netherlands and Slovenia are also in the five of the ranking, paying highest prices for gas. In Netherlands people pay 29.8 rubles and in Slovenia – 28.1 rubles. On average in Europe, the cost of a cubic meter of gas for population amounts to about 20 rubles.