OREANDA-NEWS. July 28, 2011. The signing ceremony of the first batch of central enterprises' settlement in Expo site was held at the Expo Center. Shanghai Expo Development (Group) Co.,Ltd. signed land development cooperation memorandum with three central enterprises: Baosteel Group Corporation, China Commercial Aircraft Co., Ltd. and State Grid Corporation of China. This marks the full start of Expo site follow-up development and utilization, reported the press-centre of Baosteel.

CPC Central Committee Political Bureau member, Shanghai Party secretary Yu Zhengsheng, Shanghai Municipal Committee vice Party secretary and mayor Han Zheng, Shanghai Municipal Committee member, vice mayor Yang Xiong, Shanghai Municipal Committee member, Pudong New Area Party secretary Xu Lin, vice mayor Ai Baojun, China Commercial Aircraft Co. Ltd. chairman and Party secretary Zhang Qingwei, general manager Jin Zhuanglong, Baosteel Group Corporation vice chairman, Party secretary Liu Guosheng, State Grid Corporation of China Party member, chief accountant Li Ruge and chiefs from Shanghai Municipal Development and Reform Committee, Shanghai Economy and Information Committee, SASAC Shanghai, Shanghai Urban Planning and Land Resources Bureau, Trade and Industry Bureau, Finance Bureau, Tax Bureau, Pudong New Area Government, Shanghai Expo Development (Group) Co.,Ltd., Shanghai Land Reserve Center, Baosteel, China Commercial Aircraft, National Grid attended the ceremony. The ceremony presided over by the Ai Baojun.

Expo site has good location, complete and perfect municipal facilities, good ecological environment and a high international reputation. Shanghai municipal government and Party committee attaches great importance to the Expo site follow-up development work, actively learns from successful international  practices and is committed to turning the Expo site into a 21st century symbolic public activity center in Shanghai with culture, sightseeing creativity, central business high-end exhibition, tourism and leisure and eco-living and forming five areas: cultural sightseeing, urban best practice, international community, exhibition and business, Bund extension and riverside ecological leisure landscape, promoting Shanghai's innovation, transformation and development during 12th  five year period.