OREANDA-NEWS. August 09, 2011. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the list of tasks (projects) of the National program of information for 2011, their state customers and volumes of financing. The appropriating order is approved at the session of the Government dated August 3, 2011.

The document is developed by the State Agency for Science, Innovation and Information on performance of the Law of Ukraine "On National program of information" and the Regulation on formulation and implementation of National program of information.

The state budget of Ukraine for 2011 certain

The volume of financing of the budgetary program "National program of information" at a rate of 813.4 thousand UAH is determined by the State budget of Ukraine.

According to the Minister of Education and Science, Youth and Sport Dmytro Tabachnyk approved by the National program of information tasks have national importance and aimed at the implementation schedule of the program of economic reforms in 2011.

The national program of information represents a complex of the interconnected separate tasks (projects) of the information which have been directed on realization of a state policy and priority directions of creation of modern information policy.

Primary results of performance of tasks of the program should become: a hardware-software complex of conducting National system of indicators (indexes) of progress of an information society; the new version of a hardware-software complex of the National registry of electronic information resources, a breadboard model of the registry of the computer programs used by bodies of the government; conclusions concerning conformity of problems (projects) of National program of information to priority directions of a state policy in area of information, to a modern level and tendencies of progress of information in the world.