OREANDA-NEWS. August 25, 2011. Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi was invited to visit China. Norinco President Zhao Gang paid a visit to Meles Zenawi at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse and had a friendly meeting with him, reported the press-centre of Norinco.

Zhao Gang expressed his gratitude to Meles Zenawi for his consistent support to their cooperative projects and his positive comment on Norinco's performance. Zhao Gang reviewed the cooperation between the two parties in the past decades, and talked about Norinco's active efforts in recent cooperation with Ethiopian partners in military products and civilian projects. He pointed out that to coordinate with Ethiopia's 5-year development plan raised by Meles Zenawi, Norinco hoped to further expand their cooperation in military trade, while exploring more opportunities in such areas as transportation, energy and urban construction. As always, Norinco will provide Ethiopia with all-round services in future cooperation.

According to Meles Zenawi, Norinco is an extremely important long-term partner of Ethiopia. He expressed his satisfaction with and close attention to their joint projects and future cooperation. Meles Zenawi also extended his gratitude to Norinco for its efforts to improve the national strength of Ethiopia, and hoped that the two parties will have more cooperation in military industry as well as infrastructure including railway and power projects.