OREANDA-NEWS. August 26, 2011. Brazil - the basic strategic partner in Latin America, cooperation of Ukraine with this state develops successfully. Already there are a number of scale projects, in particular, in space sphere, shipbuilding. It was declared by the Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov today during a meeting with the Governor of the State of Parana of the Federal Republic Brazil Karlos Alberto Richa.

"The Government gives great attention to regional cooperation. Such powerful state of Brazil as Parana it is interesting to cooperation with our regions. The turnover now constitutes half a billion dollars and we are interested in that it grew up, such contacts will promote unconditionally to it. Cooperation spheres are rather wide are the shipbuilding, aircraft engineering, the chemical industry, interesting is cooperation in pharmaceutical industry etc", - the Prime Minister of Ukraine has noted.

Moreover Mykola Azarov has noticed that Brazil for us, despite the distance, very close country. Here lives about a half million of natives of Ukraine, in state of Parana - more than 400 thousand ethnic Ukrainian. It is very characteristic that visit of the governor of state of Parana which also has headed delegation of representatives of business circles - natives of Ukraine, on the eve of Independence Day has coincided with Day of the Ukrainian community in Brazil.

From its side the Governor of the State of Parana of the Federal Republic Brazil Karlos Alberto Richa has thanked for a meeting and the warm welcome.

"Considering that at us the big community of Ukrainians lives, we especially support cooperation with Ukraine. As a part of our delegation it is a lot of the businessmen interested in investments. Now state of Parana exports to Ukraine of coffee and pork meat. Also we are interested in cooperation with your specialists in the field of shipbuilding, oil extracting", - Carlos Alberto Richa said.