OREANDA-NEWS. August 26, 2011. Kharkovites which live in private sector began to pay for garbage removal through the Integral Clearing Center of PJSC "MEGABANK". Previously, this possibility has also been, but people did not enjoy it, and the service itself has not always been provided, reported the press-centre of MEGABANK.

Recently, thanks to active policy of city government aimed at restoring order in the organization of garbage disposal, removal and prevention of the emergence of dumps, the amount of payment for this service has been significantly increasing.

Today, the ICC has contracts with three utilities involved in garbage disposal in the private sector: CE "Blagoustroystvo" in Moscow district of Kharkiv, CE "Center for Social Development of Nemyshlia" and public production company servicing private housing and green areas in Kiev district of Kharkiv.

Now residents of private sector receive at home information on extra fees for garbage collection in a single receipt. They can pay for the service in wide net of points of payment for utility services, and through the bank's website or electronic terminals m-boxes. The Bank does not charge a commission for utility payments.

Reference. The ICC is a bank product to pay for housing and communal services, which is developed and implemented in Kharkiv, Kirovograd, Poltava, Chernihiv, Cherkasy, Nova Kakhovka, Kherson, Lviv, Donetsk, Kiev, Borispol region. Work on implementing technology of the ICC is underway in several regions of the Crimea. Through the system of ICC of "MEGABANK", PJSC more than 1.9 million Ukrainian households (12% of all payers in Ukraine) pay utility bills.