OREANDA-NEWS. September 05, 2011. The Government will check up target use by the enterprises of light industry of the funds received from the tax benefits. It was declared by Prime Minister Mykola Azarov during on Friday communication with the team of private enterprise "Yaroslav".

Mykola Azarov has taken an interest at employees of the enterprise how much at them the salary has grown with entering of norm of the Tax Code which frees of domestic light industry from tax discharge on profit. The employees have informed on a slight increase in the salary - approximately by 100 grivnyas.

"For what we have freed you from tax discharge on profit? That production was renewed, that the salary was increased. Keep in mind, we will check up, how the enterprises use these privileges", - the Prime minister has told, addressing to the director of the private enterprise "Yaroslav".

At the same time the Head of Government has urged private entrepreneurs to create associations for the solution of problems and upholding of their interests.

"We want, that private enterprises created associations, and these associations should lobby qualitatively their interests", - Mykola Azarov has noted.

The leaders of the enterprise, in turn, have informed the Prime Minister on lack of transparency and corruption of carrying out of tender procedures. "On the usual tender it is necessary to pay kickback of 30 %. I cannot pay kickback of 30 % as I need to pay taxes", - the director has told.

"So do not pay. We have phones of a hot line both at the President, and at the Prime Minister. Call though time and tell that demand kickback. Believe me - next day such persons will be dismissed", - the Head of Government stressed.

The company "Yaroslav" specializes on production of bed-clothes, pillows, blankets, special and uniform, children's underwear and towels. The general assortment constitutes more than 700 titles. At the enterprise the closed work cycle on production of sewing and knitted items is generated. The company's products sold in the domestic market and exported to foreign countries.