OREANDA-NEWS. September 20, 2011. Oil shale processing giant Viru Keemia Grupp (VKG) has announced that it will soon begin construction of a 250-million-euro diesel production facility, a move that mirrors the plans of its chief competitor, Eesti Energia.

The plant, which should be completed by 2016, will employ 600 people, Eesti Paevaleht reported.

"Talks with the designer and contractor to build a plant costing 250 million euros have now come to an end, and after a few weeks we will make a choice between two options," said VKG chairman Priit Rohumaa.

State-owned energy firm Eesti Energia is already producing lower grade liquid fuels from shale, but hopes to step up its operation with the opening of its Enefit-280 plant in Narva next year.