OREANDA-NEWS. September 29, 2011. The Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov urges investors to cooperate with Ukraine in the sphere of innovations as the governmental policy is predicted and stable; the state is the large investor in innovative projects and the guarantor of effective investments into hi-tech industries. The Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov has declared it during the opening of the International Innovation Forum of the CIS countries 2011.

"Cooperating with Ukraine, you'll have to deal with the country where the state is a major investor in innovative projects, the guarantor of effective investments into hi-tech industries where the governmental policy is predicted and stable," Mykola Azarov has emphasized.

Thus the Prime Minister has noted that for innovative development will be promoted macroeconomic stability which is observed in Ukraine the last one and a half year. Mykola Azarov has expressed hope that the main result of economic processes would become not only recovery, but also prompt growth in demand and sentences on innovative production and the goods.

"The economy of Ukraine already quickly enough also has positively responded to reasonableness of program initiatives. Growth of innovative activity of the industrial enterprises can be confirmation to it: now it constitutes almost 14 %. This is not yet highest index, but it is much better, than those minimum figures which we had in 2008-2009. In essence this is a guarantee of high-tech revival of Ukraine as a state," the Head of Government has stressed.

However, Mykola Azarov has assumed that this is pledge of revival of economic power of all states-participants of CIS, the 20th anniversary of which is timed to coincide with the holding Kyiv International Innovation Forum.