OREANDA-NEWS. September 29, 2011. An Algerian delegation conducted a visit to the 22nd China Metallurgical Construction Group (22MCC Group). The mission was headed by Mr. Bessaid Abdelkader, Representative of Oran Provincial Government & Governor Consultant of Oran Province in Algeria. The leaders of 22MCC Group, including Wei Huawen, Wu Qingyu and He Kunshan, met with the Algerian guests. Manager Guo Yong and the other relevant staff of 22MCC Group Algerian Branch were also present at the meeting, reported the press-centre of MCC Group.

At the outset, Mr. Bessaid Abdelkader conveyed to Chairman Wei Huawen the regards from Governor Ould Kablia of Oran Province. He said, the Governor was quite satisfied with the performance of 22MCC Group Algerian Branch on the project site, and the Provincial Government would spare no efforts in supporting 22MCC Group to explore business in Algeria (including coordination and assistance in resolving of various problems, such as procedures for 22MCC staff to enter Algeria). After inspecting the real estate projects undertaken by 22MCC Group, the delegation gave full recognition on the professional strength of 22MCC, and expected 22MCC to participate in the future public facilities and real estate projects under planning of Oran Province.

Wei Huawen highlighted the strategic significance of Algerian market. He said, 22MCC Group attached great importance to the project implementation of its Algerian Branch. Wei promised to allocate more resources to further improve the expertise and strength of Algerian Branch.
Manager Ramdani Mohamed of Oran Stadium Project said, quite a few technical problems encountered during the project execution had been resolved, more employees had been recruited, and the overall implementation of the works was turning to the better with each passing day.
He Kunshan expressed gratitude to the support and trust extended by Oran Provincial Government.

He mentioned that the equipment assembly work had already been commenced in China. Thanks to the confidence of the Provincial Government, 22MCC Group would continue to participate in the follow-up projects such as the 2nd Phase of Oran Stadium Project and the University Complex Project. He also expected that Oran Provincial Government and the Housing Administration would give a strong backing to the business development of 22MCC Group Algerian Branch.