OREANDA-NEWS. September 30, 2011. Only the development of domestic production of high energy-efficient equipment will enable Ukraine to achieve the desired pace and quality of economic modernization.

This was started by the First vice Prime Minister – Minister of Economic Development and Trade Andriy Klyuyev commenting on the resolution approved by the Cabinet of the Ministers. 

He said that the Government approved the list of goods of own production, 80% of profits from the sale, which in Ukraine is exempt from taxation.

According to Andriy Klyuyev the list includes goods of energy-efficient and energy saving production materials and equipment for alternative energy.

"Only the development of domestic technologies and corresponding mass production will allow us to obtain the planned structural changes in the economy. It is implementation of the Tax Code to support the domestic high-tech engineering. Discharged because of tax benefits costs, companies can send it to the development of such production", - Andriy Klyuyev said.

He said that the list includes 32 species of goods, including internal combustion engines that operate using biodiesel, and boilers Gas generator with efficiency of 80-85% and above, working with biomass. This also includes installation of biogas, hydro turbines for small hydro power station, solar collectors and photovoltaic cells with high efficiency, wind generators, heat pumps of various types, LED lighting, special insulation materials - float glass, foam glass and more.

The First vice Prime Minister noted that the list may be supplemented with other types of materials, equipment or components which will be used in energy projects or energy production from renewable sources and means of measurement, control and management of energy resources.