OREANDA-NEWS. October 3, 2011. The governor reported to the prime minister on the region’s economic growth. This year the industry is expected to grow by 6-7% and agriculture by 20%. The region fulfils its social obligations. The focus of the meeting was on the Belgorod Airport, which the governor plans to transform into one of the best airports in the country.

Transcript of the beginning of the meeting:

Vladimir Putin: Mr Savchenko, what can you tell me about the situation in the region?

Yevgeny Savchenko: Mr Putin, the situation is quite stable and constructive. The economy is growing. This year we expect the industry to grow by 6-7% and agriculture by 20%. The average salary has grown by 6% and we will maintain the level until the end of the year. This is a realistic goal. We are also on top of our social commitments. We have been able to increase the salary fund by 20% since June, rather than by 6.5% as initially expected. The teachers’ average monthly salary has increased from 15,000 to 17,500 roubles.

Vladimir Putin: That is even higher than the average in the Belgorod Region.

Yevgeny Savchenko: No, we are somewhat behind the average regional level since our economy does not stand still either.

Vladimir Putin: What is the average salary in the region?

Yevgeny Savchenko: It is 19,500 roubles. Based on the next year’s draft budget, we plan to…

Vladimir Putin: …raise teachers’ salaries to the average regional level.

Yevgeny Savchenko: That’s right. It is around 20,000-21,100 roubles or maybe even 22,000 roubles.

Vladimir Putin: Is infant mortality going down?

Yevgeny Savchenko: We are one of the top three regions with the lowest infant mortality in the country.

Vladimir Putin: How is the healthcare modernisation programme being implemented?

Yevgeny Savchenko: The programme is going according to plan in terms of both major renovation and new construction projects. Most importantly, this year’s tenders for equipment have all been held, which means, Mr Putin, that we can invest the money in full.

Vladimir Putin: I have reviewed the region’s investments. At the moment, it is 55 billion [roubles], isn’t it?

Yevgeny Savchenko: Yes, it is.

Vladimir Putin: That’s for the Novolipetsk Plant. What else can you tell me?

Yevgeny Savchenko: Investment is growing, mostly in agriculture and the mining industry. The Stoilensky Mining and Processing Plant is working on a large programme. The Chernyanskoye field has been put up for auction and will be sold soon.

Vladimir Putin: Mr Savchenko, are there any problems?

Yevgeny Savchenko: The airport. Mr Putin, as you remember, it was transferred (from the federal to the regional ownership). We are working to make it one of the best airports in Russia. That is our objective. We would like to ask you to support it. We have two requests in this regard. The first one has to do with the facilities that are in federal ownership, the radio equipment and air traffic control and security systems. We have all the required design and financial reports. What we need is 4.6 billion roubles. There is an agreement with the Transport Ministry that we will receive the money this year in order to partially invest it as follows: 550 million, 242 million and 300 million roubles.

Vladimir Putin: The programme is supposed to be completed by 2015.

Yevgeny Savchenko: No, we will complete it next year.

Vladimir Putin: Next year?

Yevgeny Savchenko: We will. Thank you for transferring the airport. The airport infrastructure will cost around one billion roubles. We are ready to cover 100% of that cost. As for the runways and the surrounding facilities, we would like to contribute 50% and receive the remaining 50% from the federal budget.

Vladimir Putin: What do you need? Runway lighting?

Yevgeny Savchenko: The lighting and the runway, which costs around one billion. It comes to 2.88 billion roubles in total.

Vladimir Putin: How intense is the air traffic?

Yevgeny Savchenko: It is an international airport. It services flights to Turkey, Bulgaria and several other countries, as well as Moscow and Ukraine.

Vladimir Putin: Are there any operational problems?

Yevgeny Savchenko: The number of passenger operations is growing. Strategically, it is a positive sign. There are transit flights to destinations in the south and east, as well as chartered flights.

Vladimir Putin: Is there anything else?

Yevgeny Savchenko: These are the 2011 projects for which we require support (indicates the documents). There are two roads under construction. Look, here is Belgorod and this is Stary Oskol. It is like a single metropolis with a one million population. Currently, they are connected by…

Vladimir Putin: … a narrow road.

Yevgeny Savchenko: In fact, this year we have laid this section. Now we are building this one here. Its length is 49 km, there are four lanes, each taking 11.5 tonnes per axle. The cost is 68-69 million roubles per kilometre, which is just over USD 2 million in total. It is the lowest cost in the country, with the average being three billion roubles. We have allotted part of the required sum from the regional funds. What we need is federal support.

Vladimir Putin: But which road is this? Yours?

Yevgeny Savchenko: Ours.

Vladimir Putin: So, it is regional.

Yevgeny Savchenko: It is regional, but it goes through… Belgorod and Voronezh.

Vladimir Putin: The money will be designated for the regional road funds.

Vladimir Putin: But it is the budget money, it has not just been set aside.

Vladimir Putin: The money has been set aside, and it will be transferred to the regional road fund.

Yevgeny Savchenko: The road fund? That’s right, there is a new law on road funds. But we need more.

Vladimir Putin: Do you think 200,000 [million roubles] won’t be enough?

Yevgeny Savchenko: One road costs three billion roubles.

Vladimir Putin: I see.