OREANDA-NEWS. October 13, 2011. Ukraine and Slovenia have intention to increase a mutual turnover twice. This was stated by Prime Minister Mykola Azarov at a meeting with the President of Slovenia Danilo Turk.

"Let us work towards doubling our turnover. We have the potential for this," Mykola Azarov has noted.

Thus, he has stressed that the volume of mutual trade was increased by 40 % between the countries, but it still does not correspond to potential of Ukraine and Slovenia. The Prime Minister has promised that the Ukrainian Government will apply a maximum of efforts for activation of mutual relations.

Moreover, Mykola Azarov has suggested Slovenia set up joint ventures in pharmaceuticals. As he said, Ukraine is also interested in expanding their exports to Slovenia, in particular with regard to electricity, grain, products of metallurgy, food industry. "Our countries have the opportunity for cooperation in order to our goods entered EU market, and your goods entered the market of the CIS," Mykola Azarov has added.

According to the Prime Minister, there is great potential for cooperation in the transport sector.

Mykola Azarov informed the President of Slovenia on the fact that Ukraine is completing negotiations with EU on creation of free trade area, liberalization of a visa regime and the agreement on political association. The Head of the Government has once again stressed that Ukraine would insist on the inclusion in the association agreement of its European prospects and expects that Slovenia would support for it in this matter. "In the association agreement does not mention the European perspective of Ukraine is to insult the country, to offend its people, who have accurately selected a way of the European integration. Therefore, we expect that Slovenia will support us in this issue", Mykola Azarov has emphasized, stressing that Ukraine does not intend to immediately apply for membership in the EU, however such perspective in the agreement should be is clearly spelled out.

In turn, the President of the Republic of Slovenia Danilo Turk has noted that now there are all capabilities for doubling of a mutual turnover: "Indeed, to double a turnover is reality, all the possibilities for this exist, because the current level of trade is not sufficient."

However, the Slovenian President has stressed that his country's support for European integration aspirations of Ukraine.