OREANDA-NEWS. October 13, 2011. Ukrainian authorities are constantly working to create favorable conditions for investment in our state, President Viktor Yanukovych said at press conference following the Ukrainian-Slovenian talks.

"Creating conditions for public-private partnership, creating an appropriate legal framework, including the international one is what we are doing constantly," Viktor Yanukovych added. An example of such work he called the documents signed today between Ukraine and Slovenia.

The President separately noted that public-private partnership also entails business support of social programs.

In turn, President of Slovenia Danilo Turk said that several projects have already been implemented in Ukraine with the support of Slovenian investors. "Slovenia has a very well-developed industry and really produces a lot of equipment that would be extremely useful in Ukraine," he said.

Speaking about the prospects of Ukrainian-Slovenian cooperation in energy sector, Danilo Turk drew attention to the experience of Slovenia in the modernization of energy facilities, which Ukraine could take advantage of. The President of Slovenia expressed hope that representatives of business circles of Ukraine and Slovenia would reach concrete agreements in this regard at today's business forum.