OREANDA-NEWS. October 26, 2011. Pursuant to the regulations and rules of China Securities Regulatory Commission and Shanghai Stock Exchange, China Coal Energy Company Limited (the “Company”, together with its subsidiaries, collectively the “Group”) is required to publish reports on a quarterly basis, reported the press-centre of China Coal Energy Company.

This announcement is made pursuant to Rule 13.09 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.

This announcement is a summary of the 2011 third quarterly financial report of the Company for the nine months ended 30 September 2011 . The full text of the financial quarterly report of the Company will also be available on the website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on 21 October 2011 . The full text of the financial quarterly report is in Chinese only.

Full reports see here: http://www.chinacoalenergy.com/n753578/n754320/n754352/n754592/n1376986.files/n1376987.pdf