OREANDA-NEWS. October 27, 2011. First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB) is among top three Ukrainian banks in Transparency and Disclosure Survey of Ukrainian banks held by Credit Rating agency, Agency of Financial Initiatives and the USAID Financial Sector Development Project (FINREP).

FUIB took 2nd position in the ranking 2011, with a 62.07% disclosure (against an average of 46% among top 30 Ukrainian banks).

In 2010 the bank ranked second on information transparency and disclosure among Ukrainian banks according to the survey held by the international rating agency Standard & Poor's with a support of Agency of Financial Initiatives and the USAID Financial Sector Development Project. Also, this year FUIB has topped Companies’ Transparency and Accountability Index developed as part of the UNITER project (Ukraine National Initiatives to Enhance Reforms) by USAID. Therefore, FUIB has taken top positions in transparency rankings for two consecutive years.

In 2011 the bank continues enhancing its transparency and improving disclosure standards with due account for the world's best practices and recommendations of the Survey 2010. FUIB has published its Annual Report to the high global standards and made public the information and documents that regulate banking operations. Such documents include detailed corporate governance report, ownership structure, Risk Management Policy, Disclosure Policy and the Code of Business Conduct and Corporate Ethics. "Bank tender" section will become available on FUIB's website in the near future.

As one of the biggest national capital banks (ranks 2nd by assets among private banks and 9th in Ukraine's banking system) FUIB focuses its efforts on improving business transparency and complying with international disclosure standards because it is important for the public, business, investment communities, clients and shareholders of the bank.

"Transparency and Disclosure Survey is an important initiative for the Ukrainian banking system, and we hope that next year more banks will be interested in improving business transparency standards as it strengthens the trust people have in the banking system. Business transparency and compliance with best international standards of information disclosure make the very cornerstone of FUIB's business. These principles reflect FUIB's mission and values," stated Konstantin Vaisman, FUIB's Board Chairman.