OREANDA-NEWS. November 08, 2011. Transition Development and Investment Cooperation Symposium was jointly held by Taiyuan City and TISCO in TISCO workers’ club.   Mr. Chen Chuanping, standing member of Shanxi provincial party and committee secretary of municipal party committee, Mr. Gao Jian, standing member of taiyuan municipal party committee and secretary general of municipal party, Mr. Zhang Jinwang,standing member of the municipal party committee and vice mayor of Taiyuan City, Mr. Wu Xiaocheng, vice chairman of Shanxi Steel Industry Association and other leadership from relevant counties, development zones and departments of Taiyuan city attend the meeting, reported the press-centre of TISCO.

TISCO leadership Li Xiaobo, Yang HaiGgui, Gao Xiangming, Liu Fuxing, Hou Jinping, Wang Xinping, Wang Jiguang, Chai Zhiyong, Han Zhentang, Peng Cungen, Lin Qizeng, Xie Li, Zhang Zhifang, Wang Baidong, Yang Guilong, TISCO vice President level leadership, leaders from the main production factories, management departments leaders and other nearly 800 participants from home and abroad of TISCO Customers’ Symposium 2012 attended the meeting.

The conference was hosted by TISCO President Li Xiaobo. He said that today's Shanxi and Taiyuan city are changing with each passing day. Shanxi provincial government made an important strategy deployment that to speed up transformation development and recreate a new Shanxi. Taiyuan municipal government put forward a general idea that to build a first-class provincial capital, and emphasized that to accelerate new industry mode and build the national first-class emerging industry base. At the same time, municipal party committee and city government jointly put forward that in order to carry out the strategy of large enterprise, large project and large industry park, we should give full play to radiation leading role of big enterprise, introduce a group of major projects of industry transformation and construct a new pillar industry and advanced industry cluster, according to the "leading by large enterprise, promoting by major project and carrying by large industry park" mode.

Then, the video of New Zone plan in south of Taiyuan City was played in the conference.

In the speech by Chen Chuanping, he briefly introduced the development situation of Taiyuan economic and social development in “the eleventh five-year plan" period and the development idea in "the twelfth five-year plan" period. He pointed out that the provincial party committee requires Taiyuan city to take the lead in transformational leaping development and play a good driving role as provincial capital, during the tenth communist party congress of Taiyuan city, we put forward the general idea to build the first-class provincial capital, especially to establish the top emerging industry base, the first-class independent innovation base and the first-class modern livable city, according to the practical situation of Taiyuan and with scientific development as the theme, speeding up the transformation of economic development mode as the main line and taking the lead in transition as the main melody.

Chen Chuanping pointed out, Taiyuan is in the transition period which "the traditional industry has passed while new industry is still on the way", therefore we need to speed up the pace of reform and opening-up. Taiyuan takes the lead in transformation development which can not realize without the support of all aspects. The symposium is held to seek support and help from all of you. Investment in Taiyuan has a wide development prospect, for the nation is implementing the strategy of revitalize old industrial bases and promote the rise of the central China and Taiyuan urban agglomeration rising to national strategic level will make Taiyuan get more policy support. Chen Chuanping wished everyone can pay more attention to Taiyuan, support Taiyuan, advertise Taiyuan, introduce more friends to Taiyuan, get common development and achieve win-win.

When talking about TISCO, Chen Chuanping pointed out that as the largest enterprises in Shanxi province, the provincial government has put forward higher requests to TISCO. The transformational development of TISCO is of great cignificance to Shanxi Province and Taiyuan city. The transformational development of TISCO eventually relies on competitiveness. And the comprehensive competitiveness of TISCO is top rank in the industry, the supports of all partners here is also a kind of important competitiveness for TISCO. He wished that all of the user represents here can make more advertisement and promotion for TISCO and Taiyuan city, to work hand in hand to achieve a win-win situation by playing the role of their advantages to make efforts in the introduction of capital, technology, talent and project.

Li Xiaobo delivered summary speech. He said, the development of Taiyuan city full speed acceleration, the idea of "drawing sword", "comparing to standard", "surpassing" has gone thorough people’s hearts, now in the formed development atmosphere, the soft environment and hard environment have changed a lot, all citizens from the whole city are trying their best, the expectation of strong development, surpassing, seeking talent and investment with eagerness have shown in front of everybody.

For TISCO, to achieve a new development, we must rely on the steel main business, realize the transition development, among which, extension development and diverse development is the important direction. On extension development, for the upstream, we should continue to improve resource control ability; for the downstream, we should rely on steel main business, change "material processing" to "processing material". On diverse development, we should speed up the development of amorphous materials, corrosion resistant alloy and precision alloy, magnesium titanium alloy and other new materials industry, to build new material industry base.

Li Xiaobo pointed out that TISCO has the advantages in many aspects to promote new development. TISCO has strong financing ability which can provide strong funding guarantee for new development project completely; TISCO has project technical ability which matches with system, including talents, design, construction, management and operation, at present has made significant achievements, this advantage will be visualized increasingly in the future; TISCO has powerful brand influence, it must be an ease and gratified matter to cooperation with TISCO.

Li Xiaobo promised to all customers, TISCO will always stick to a concept that to satisfy all investors and partners. In the project construction, TISCO does not seek for all, but seek for best, all the projects with good commercial prospect, TISCO will go all out to look for business opportunities; As long as there is good investment project, TISCO will involve in and seek common development from it. We wish that through further exchange and communication, everybody could have wisdom spark and capture each opportunity of transformation development, to make more cooperation projects, at the same time to provide opportunities for friends to show talent, create value and share value.

Li Xiaobo finally said, cooperation in many years has produced a deep friendship between TISCO and each customer, the friendship will certainly further deepen cooperation. He believed and wished all projects cooperated with TISCO and in Taiyuan development could get great achievements.

After the meeting, Ms. Ye Tan, the famous Chinese economic commentator, finance columnist, editor of Daily Economic News, economic commentator of Liberation Daily and commentator of CCTV Financial Channel, Mr. Li Cheng, honorary President and consultant of China Special Steel Association stainless steel branch, Mr. Li Shijun, chief analyst of China Steel Industry Association were invited to make seminars on macroeconomic trends and development, China stainless steel market and the prospect, tests facing by Chinese steel industry and countermeasures. The incisive, vivid, profound reports made by three experts achieved great acceptation from all participants.