OREANDA-NEWS. November 16, 2011. Because of non-observance of requirements of technology of processing and transportation agricultural production is lost on a way from the manufacturer to the consumer.

There are infringements of elementary rules of storage and transportation countrywide. So, reteil sellers have no standards of the packing, necessary capacities for transportation and storehouses are not always located in seats where the basic transport ways run. Therefore a priority problem for the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food is a progress of food logistics. This was started by the Minister Mykola Prysyazhnyuk.

"Developing agriculture is impossible without the use of advanced methods of logistics, which allow to reduce costs by 20% and shorten the delivery time of goods at 20-50%. We plan to apply next year such scientific achievements", - Mykola Prysyazhnyuk stressed.

In particular, the Ministry continues to build five wholesale markets of agricultural products in major food centers Ukraine - Kyiv, Lviv, Donetsk, Kharkiv and Zaporizhzhya regions. So, farmers will be provided with food logistics, especially the new storages.

"Storage will reduce imports of vegetables and fruits in season and reduce in cost these products for the Ukrainian people. In addition, we will create new jobs, since maintenance of such facilities requires large numbers of highly skilled workers. For the average estimate, we can provide with jobs for 100 thousand people throughout Ukraine", - the Minister told.

Also the Government plans to allocate funds to cheap credits and partial reimbursement of money spent on construction of vegetable store cellars next year. "The Ministry is constantly working to improve conditions for agriculture. We are trying to attract foreign investment, which would become the material basis for the revival of food logistics and rural areas", - Mykola Prysyazhnyuk stated.