OREANDA-NEWS. November 18, 2011. Boryspil International Airport set a record for the number of passengers serviced at the airport since the beginning of the year: Boryspil served seven millionth passenger.

Recall, the airport was served 6.7 million passengers in 2010.

The previous record was set on November 13, 2008 - since then, since the beginning of the year the airport served first six millionth passenger.

Referency. 6478.1 thousand persons used services of Ukrainian airlines for 10 months of 2011 year it is by 23.5% more if compare with January-October last year.

The highest growth in passenger air transport sector is observed on international scheduled flights - 44.8% (3678.1 thousand passengers transported - to 2540.7 thousand persons in the same period 2010). Overall since the year beginning international airlines benefited 5487.6 thousand passengers.

At the internal market number of transported passengers on scheduled flights totaled 949.9 thousand persons against 776,000 in January-October 2010: an increase of 22.4%.