OREANDA-NEWS. November 23, 2011. Over nine months of this year, Sviaz-Bank continued to build up its business in core banking areas by pursuing an active balanced policy and, as a result, improved its standings in the RBC.Rating Agency’s rankings of October 1, 2011, reported the press-centre of Sviaz-Bank.

With more customers signing up, corporate deposits with the Bank had grown to 90.4 billion rubles, pushing the Bank during the calendar year 12 notches up, to 20th place, in the Agency’s rankings of October 1, 2011.

The Bank had gathered strength in the loan market for corporate and individual customers as well, with 95.4billion rubles out on loan, rising nine lines up to 23rd place in the rankings of the Top 500 banks in the size of their loan portfolios on October 1, 2011.

* The rankings were calculated by the RBC.Rating Agency’s own techniques and may be different from the Bank’s official figures obtained by the techniques used by the Bank of Russia.