OREANDA-NEWS. November 25, 2011. The economic effect of carrying out the activities of TATNEFT's resource saving program amounted to 620 million rubles in the third quarter of the current year. Energy resources savings amounted to 26,271 tons of standard fuel making 170 percent to the annual plan, reported the press-centre of TATNEFT.

Successes achieved by the Company in the field of resource saving show that all the enterprises involved in the program have actively participated in the program. According to the approved program 340 resource saving measures with 198 of them focused on electric power savings were implemented for the period under review.

The following actions aimed at saving the electric power at the oil and gas production boards turned out to be most effective: cutting down water production through selective stopping of highly watered wells (25.6 percent), reducing inadvertent injection of water (12.1 percent), reducing the produced associated water amount by shutting down the operation of water-flooded formations and horizons (7.8 percent).

Information Reference
The comprehensive resource saving program of TATNEFT was designed and approved in 2010 for the period till 2020. Its aims and objectives have been harmonized with the requirements of the Federal Law on energy saving, as well as with the State program of energy conservation and energy efficiency improvement, approved by RF Government Decree of December 27, 2010, No. 2446-r.

The boundaries of the new program extend wider, than those of the previous one, covering not only energy, but also the natural and physical resources. In addition to the structural divisions it involves service management companies as well.

The program implementation through introduction of energy efficient technologies should result in reduction of energy resources consumption by 13.5 per cent in 2020 compared with 2007.