OREANDA-NEWS. December 12, 2011. Concorde Capital released daily Ukrainian market view:

Ukrainian equities (UX -0.4%, WIG-Ukraine -3.1%) did not join in the advance on Friday of the region’s benchmark indices (FTSE 100 +0.8%, DAX +1.9%, WIG-20 +0.7%). Stocks in the UX index basket were mixed, on one end of the scale was Stirol (STIR UK) up 2.4% and Ukrnafta (UNAF UK) up 2.1%, while on the other end was Donbasenergo (DOEN UK) down 2.0% and Kryukiv Wagon (KVBZ UK) down 1.7%. In Poland, Ukrainian equities were particularly hard-hit, with Kernel (KER PW) and Milkiland (MLK PW) both off 4.3%, Agroton (AGT PW) down 3.3% and both Westa (WES PW) and Coal Energy (CLE PW) down 3.2%.