OREANDA-NEWS. December 16, 2011. Insemination of the first batch of animals started on swine breeding complex. More than 100 sows have already been subjected to this treatment, 27 boars from 38 became sires (i.e. they give spermoproduct of stable quality), and the rest are taught how to work on the “figure” of a sow. After a month the specialists will determine pregnancy of sows with the help of special ultrasound scanner, reported the press-centre of Titan.

Pregnancy of the animals lasts for 3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days, in average they are able to bring 10-12 piglets. For future moms on Chelyabinsky public company KHP of Grigorovich a special fodder SK-1 was purchased. It is distinguished for large content of cellulose which supports good development of piglets.

Let us mention that now swine breeding complex is equipped with animals by 100%: 2942 heads of sows and boars were settled into pedigree farm and boar farm. The animals are of three strains – landras, large white and dyurok. They were supplied by Irish company Hermitage Genetics. Exactly this amount of sows and boars is required by the enterprise to reach in maximally short period of time average daily norm of 50 000 heads and to ship 100 000 heads to meat packing plant each year. According to the plan the first slaughter should take place in December 2012.

Separated subdivision “Pig Breeding Complex Petrovsky” is the first launch object of agro-industrial biocluster of the project “PARK: Inductrial-Agricultural Regional Clusters”.