OREANDA-NEWS. December 20, 2011. This is stipulated by the intergovernmental agreement on economic and technical cooperation between the two countries which was signed by prime-minister of Moldova Vladimir Filat and the Ambassador of China to Moldova Fang Li in Chisinau.

They noted that the mission of the document constitutes in developing of friendly relations and technical and economic cooperation between Moldova and PRC. The projects on cooperation which will be implemented are planned to be defined later.

They will be aimed at the development of the national economy and raising the standard of living of the people of Moldova. The projects are said to be of keen social interest. Vladimir Filat has pointed out that thanks to the Chinese gratuitous help hospitals in Moldova had been equipped with modern devices, curbside monitoring system had been set on streets to ensure the traffic security, etc. the prime-minister of Moldova has noted that the agreement signed justifies the active development of the fruitful cooperation of Moldova and PRC.

He expressed his gratitude to the authorities and people of China for helpful and important assistance rendered to Moldova by them despite their own problems. The ambassador of China, in his turn, has said that the sum of grant provided by the agreement is the biggest one-time aid ever given to Moldova by the Chinese government.

He has emphasized the willingness of China to further render assistance to Moldova and strengthen the cooperation with our country in every field Moldova and China are mutually interested in.