OREANDA-NEWS.  January 10, 2012. Applications for the competition “Trademark of 2011” has been filed by 60 companies from various field of the economy. This was announced by head of the department of fairs and shows of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Marina Petrova at the seating of the organizing committee of the competition.

The economic entities possessing the trademarks registered and willing to take part in the competition have about a week left to file the respective application. The final date of acceptance of applications for the participation is fixed on January, 13. The official awarding ceremony is taking place on February, 4, 2012 within the framework of the general-purpose exhibition “Made in Moldova’. Winners will be awarded Grand Prix “The Gold Mercury” and gold, silver and bronze medals.

The participation in the competition gives an opportunity to expand the brand awareness in business circles and to promote it within target groups as well as grant the exclusive right to use the competition symbols. The competition “Trademark of 2011” was established at the initiative of the Chamber of Commerce in Industry of Moldova in 2003 and is held every year by the Chamber and the Agency on Intellectual Property Protection to promote the best branding and marketing practices on the market of Moldova.

The mission of the competition is to promote the corporative image of companies, to provide the information support of the entrepreneurship in the field of effective marketing technologies, to unite efforts of the domestic producers in creating favorable conditions for businesses and sound competitiveness which would further the improvement of the goods and services quality as well as to reveal the most successful projects aimed at creating and promoting trademarks in both: the domestic and foreign market. According to AGEPI findings, Moldova is a home for over 11 thousand international trade marks and about 10 thousand of the domestic ones.