OREANDA-NEWS. February 07, 2012. Ukraine is ready to help Russia to ensure the necessary volumes of gas supplies to Europe. This was stated by the Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov during his visit to the Darnytsia TPP.

"When Russia has reduced the gas supply to Europe and representatives of "Gazprom" are recognized it officially, we have offered them: please, address to us – we will conclude a treaty and we will help if you think it necessary," said Mykola Azarov.

He stressed that increase withdrawal of gas from domestic underground storage facilities is a normal process for extremely cold winter, and Ukraine has a sufficient number of gas for these purposes.

Same time the PM emphasized that Ukraine would continue to transfer of its Power System to coal, because the costs of coal are equivalent to the price of gas of 1600 hryvnias per thousand cubic meters, while the current price of gas is twice as much therefore such switch over is economically viable.