OREANDA-NEWS. February 9, 2012. Professor Leonid Roshal, president of the National Medical Chamber, director of Moscow Research Institute of Urgent Children’s Surgery and Traumatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, made his visit to Karelia on February, 6. One of the most famous doctors of the country has come to the republic to meet with the medical community and to discuss the role of the civil society in health-care reform measures.

This issue was one of the main at the meeting of Leonid Roshal with Head of Karelia Andrei Nelidov. Valentina Pivnenko, deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of Russian Federation, Valentina Ulich, Minister of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Karelia, have also taken part in the meeting.

First of all, matters concerned establishing of the regional medical chamber similar to those in a number of other territorial subjects. Leonid Roshal has mentioned, that abroad health ministries do not deal with solution of professional problems and medical treatment, as there are specialized public organizations for this purpose. According to the professor, the ministry should deal only with the budget, planning, policy, strategy, and the medical staff should deal with everything related to their occupation. The medical community will be also in charge of personnel rating, resolution of conflicts occuring among doctors, etc.

Leonid Roshal has also asked about problems in the sphere of public health services of the republic. Andrei Nelidov has pointed out that thanks to modernization of the branch, the level of regional medicine grows. Modern medical equipment appears in health care institutions, and the institutions themselves start looking different, too. The only serious problem is shortage of young experts in rural areas.

– This problem can not be solved by the republic's own resources. Health care facilities have excellent equipment, but who is going to use it? Within the scope of the modernization program I suggest to consider mechanisms that would make it possible to invite experts to rural areas, – Andrei Nelidov said.

After his meeting with Head of Karelia Leonid Roshal has held a meeting with the medical community of the republic.