OREANDA-NEWS. February 27, 2012. Within the framework of the Government session there was held a briefing of the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Mykola Prysyazhnyuk. During a communication with journalists the head of department has informed of the results of carrying out of range of spring-field works in Ukraine.

"With winter crops for grain there has been planted almost 8.5 thousand hectares of land. The shoots are obtained at 85% of planted areas, among them in good and satisfactory condition there are nearly 66%, in a weak – 34% and have not been obtained the shoots at 15% areas. The worst situation is observed in the Mykolaiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Poltava, Kherson, Kirovohrad and Kharkiv regions. According to forecasts of scientists the volume of re-sowing of winter crops in the spring will reach 3-3.5 million hectares," briefed Mykola Prysyazhnyuk.

To carrying out of range of spring field works, agricultural producers will get necessary seeds, fertilizers, fuel and lubricants. Currently, the supply of manufacturers with seeds of spring grain and leguminous crops amounts 901 thousand tons, representing 102% of needs, sunflower seeds – 100%, soy – 111%, sugar beet – 99%.

"The Ministry of Agrarian Policy takes all appropriate steps to ensure appropriate spring-field works. The Government has approved the disposal of the smooth and efficient providing agricultural producers with logistical and financial resources.

From the state budget it is allocated 20 million UAH for replenishment of insurance reserves of high-quality seeds. The Ministry also performs the necessary steps to purchase additional amounts of food grains to the Agrarian Fund," said Mykola Prysyazhnyuk.