OREANDA-NEWS. February 28, 2012. Director of pig breeding complex of the project “PARK: Industrial-Agricultural Regional Clusters” and chief technologist of the enterprise yesterday departed to Ireland to visit one of Hermitage Genetics farms (supplier of pedigree population), reported the press-centre of Titan.

There Omsk specialists will receive training during one week, though in the first three days they will undergo practical training, and during the rest of the days they will listen to lectures, which assume discussion of the received information and its consolidation.

The courses will last for 8 hours, the specialists will be able to ask questions about each stage of work with the animals. Special attention will be given to registration of livestock, expenditure of provender, technology of keeping, calculation of productivity indices etc. Residents of Omsk and partner enterprise discussed the most acute topics and questions beforehand, this is why the training course was developed on basis of the requirements of our specialists.

It is planned that the training at the supplier’s premises will be received by two veterinarians of the complex.

Let us mention that representatives of company Hermitage Genetics regularly visit Omsk region in order to provide technical assistance in work with the animals. The last visit took place last week.

The pig breeding complex is an object of the project “PARK: Industrial-Agricultural Regional Clusters” (the head of the project – president of NP “Center of Innovations” Mikhail Sutyaginsky).