OREANDA-NEWS. February 28, 2012. Tomasz Telma, IFC regional director Euro area and Central Asia, has said this during a press conference and noted that this sum fell to 12 projects implemented in Moldova since 1995, when it became a member of the Corporation.

He confirmed Moldova’s being a strategic partner to IFC and it is ready to increase investment and consulting support of our country. IFC is a member of the World Bank group and the project “The reform of the Investment Climate” is of particular importance in the context of priorities of the Corporation and all members of the WB group to support the private sector and push investments in Moldova, Tomasz Telma has stressed.

According to him, the project will allow to raise competitiveness of businessmen of Moldova and further development of agriculture and food industry and liberalization of the market and growth of private investments in the agricultural sector of Moldova. At the same time, he has noted that the liability and well-defined obligation Moldova is to assume is one of the keys to the successful implementation of the project.