OREANDA-NEWS. February 29, 2012. Group Corporation chairman, Xu Lejiang, Baosteel Co.,Ltd. general manager Ma Guoqiang, Baosteel Co.,Ltd. deputy general manager Li Yongxiang and Chen Ying go to Meishan Steel and inspect the 2nd phase projects, integrated operation and production and management there. In the inspection, Xu Lejiang approves Meishan Steel's work in promoting the integrated operation and asks Meishan Steel to further grasp the opportunity, enhance confidence, promote development, improve efficiency and raise the overall market competitiveness, reported the press-centre of Baosteel.

During the inspection, Xu Lejiang and his retinue visit Meishan Steel 2nd phase project construction site and listen to work report on Meishan Steel integrated operation and production management made by Baosteel Co.,Ltd. assistant general manager, Meishan Steel general manager Liu Daide and Meishan Steel Party secretary Shi Bing. Since 2009, Meishan Steel has overcome pressure brought by simultaneous production and construction and sped up construction projects.

Last year, some 2nd phase projects have carried out equipment commissioning and cold load test run.At present, 2nd phase projects are gradually entering the production preparation stage.After the completion of the 2nd phase projects, Meishan Steel's equipment and technical level will raise fully and product structure will also be further optimized. Last year, Meishan Steel has done a lot of work in promoting the integrated operation and achieved certain results.

Xu Lejiang points out that Meishan Steel's 2nd phase project has entered the closing stage, the relevant units should end the work with high quality, further refine the project responsibility system, ensure site personnel safety and fire extinguishing safety, that Meishan Steel should do equipment commissioning in accordance with the production plan and ensure that the new production lines are put into operation without risks and defects, that it should ensure that transfer work upon completion is refined, the greening of the new production lineis in place, the layout is orderly, and the site clean and tidy.

Xu Lejiang affirms Meishan Steel's work in promoting the integrated operation and asks Meishan Steel to further the integrated operation, make use of present resource, improve corporation management capacity and raise the overall market competitiveness.

Xu Lejiang stresses that in the current challenging market conditions, Meishan Steel should earnestly strengthen market awareness, business sense and marketing sense, build market mechanism, market extending system and human resources support system. In addition, managers at all levels should attach great importance to labor efficiency enhancement and efficiency benchmarking.