OREANDA-NEWS. March 01, 2012. The Cabinet of Ministers will intensify cooperation with scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine to develop and increase the economy efficiency. This was stated by the Prime Minister Mykola Azarov at a meeting with the scientists.

"We have agreed with scientists that the Government will carefully consider all proposals to be prepared for it by scientists of department of economics, including issues of money and credit circulation, budgetary, development problems of specific industries, energy conservation and increase in the economy efficiency," the PM said.

He stressed that a separate topic for collaboration would become studying issues related to reducing the gap between incomes of different groups of population. Prime Minister emphasized the Government is preparing a number of proposals to eliminate such disparities.

Mykola Azarov also urged scientists to submit proposals to the Government in the form of regulations. "Your achievements should be in the form of legal document. It should be no mere offers, but they have to be embodied into concrete decisions, regulations - or it would be a program or a particular solution of some problems. Then, we will be easier to work," the Prime Minister underlined.