OREANDA-NEWS. March 19, 2012. Last few days some mass media reported that ESTA Holding Company had started the project works at Frolovska Str. and these works will demolish the Andriyivskyy Descent.

We consider it necessary to state that at present any construction work is not carried out on the area. We are dismantling the former garment factory “Yunost” built in the 80s of XX century and being of no historical, cultural or architectural value.

Indeed, in the future in place of former industrial quarter we plan to build an Andreyevsky complex, which will fully comply with the international approach – to create modern architectural solutions, rather than buildings in the pseudohistorical style at the development of historic urban areas instead of the old damaged buildings to be demolished.

The owners of the company allotted the task not only to ensure absolute safety of the surrounding areas and enter the project in a historic landscape in accordance with the principles of the Vienna Memorandum "World Heritage and Contemporary Architecture" - we are faced with the task of the project to create an art space corresponding to the spirit and philosophy of the Andriyivskyy Descent.

A public territory, as well as the gallery where the artists will exhibit their works, creative teams will appear, public lectures and exhibitions will be carried out on a charitable basis, will be created at the part of Andreyevsky adjacent to the Andriyivskyy Descent. Currently, the concept of art-space with the main purpose to develop modern Ukrainian art is being developed.

At different stages the project of future building was being developed by a group of architects, including well-known French architect Antoni Beshu, American architect John Fotiadis, as well as Ukrainian architect Sergiy Tselovalnik. During the design laborious task concerned with harmonization of the building according to the architectural environment of the area was carried out.  In particular, the facades, colors of buildings traditional for the Andriyivskyy Descent and Podol, the proportions of the windows, materials used during construction were analyzed.  In view of the green landscape the complex program of roof and facades greening was provided. The number of floors is also taken into account - the height of the building overlooking the Andriyivskyy Descent does not exceed four stories. Logistics of the new complex is designed in such a way that the load on the Andriyivskyy Descent will be minimal and only pedestrian, alone with the traffic flow of Frolovska Str. that will be the most balanced.

Specialists carried out geology and hydrogeology study of the area. According to their results, the Andriyivskyy Descent, Frolovska Street, Borichev tok, Zamkova Hill are not in danger. In addition, works concerned with the construction of the retaining wall of slopes of Zamkova Hill which was in poor condition was undertaken, and drafted the drainage system to drain groundwater.

ESTA Holding has substantial experience in the construction in non-standard conditions, including rugged relief, restrained planning, etc.  In each of our project we use the latest technologies, such as "slurry wall" which suggest a compact construction without prejudice to adjacent buildings.

The building is scheduled to be commissioned in the beginning of 2015. Investments in construction will amount to USD  150 million.