OREANDA-NEWS. March 28, 2012. FSUE “Rosmorport” general director A.V.Lavrishchev became a party to the joint meeting on the issues of Olya seaport development during his working trip to Astrakhan region. The meeting was originally initiated by the head of Rosmorrechflot A.A.Davydenko and the head of Astrakhan region government K.A.Markelov, reported the press-centre of Rosmorport.

The issues of operating, building and further development of Olya seaport complex were considered. Special attention was given to the prospect development of portside engineering, energetic, transport and social infrastructure, matters of cargo trafic redirection from Astrakhan seaport to Olya seaport.

The same day Lavrishchev took part in inauguration of Olya seaport grain terminal of 500,000 tons per year facility. Minister of transport I.E.Levitin and Astrakhan region governor A.A.Jilkin also participated the ceremony.

In conclusion of their visit Lavrishchev and Davydenko met with FSUE “Rosmorport” Astrakhan branch, FSU “AMP Astrakhan” and FSUE “Baltiyskoye BASU” Caspian branch employees. They discussed issues of joint activity and further development prospect.