OREANDA-NEWS. April 09, 2012. In view of closing of the western stock markets activity of the rouble debt  even more decreased and made at corporate segment only 14,3 billion roubles. There also weren`t observed obvious drivers of growth or falling throughout the day, only by the evening after publishing of data on quantity of workplaces in the USA which appeared essential worse than expected led to considerable sales of long issues with duration over 3 years (-0,28%). On a short section cost of bonds rose on the average by 0,04%.

Issues of segments of manufacturing and development appeared better than the market, having added on 0,15% and 0,2% respectively. Leaders of a turn, bank issues, closed in a negative zone, having lost 0,03%, cost of bonds of VEB and Nomos Bank strongly decreased.

At OFZ market on Friday were observed moderate purchases on a medium section of curve (+0,05%). More liquid bonds represented long issues with duration over 3 years where there was differently directed dynamics. OFZ-26204 (+0,13%), 26205 (-0,09%).