OREANDA-NEWS. April 09, 2012. 2012 Food Industry Expo of Huaibei jointly held by China Food Industry Association, Office of Agricultural Industrialization of Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), Farmer's Daily, Anhui Provincial Commission of Agriculture and Huaibei Municipal Government opened on the morning of April 8.

Deputy minister of MOA Chen Xiaohua, Liu Zhiren from Counsellors ' Office of the State Council, Hu Liansong, vice director of Anhui Provincial People's Congress and Wang Xiufang, deputy chair woman of Anhui Provincial Committee of CPPCC, attended the opening ceremony. Deputy governor Liang Weiguo declared a speech.

Liang said that developing food industry plays an important role in promoting agricultural industrialization and coordinated development of northern Anhui. Anhui attached great importance to the development of food industry in recent years and took it as a strategic measure for the transfer from big agricultural province to strong agricultural province.

Liang added that the Expo held in Huaibei built a good communication and cooperation platform for the field of food industry. Anhui Provincial Government will greatly support Huaibei to take part in the Expo in a bid to make more contribution to the development of food industry of Anhui even the whole country.