OREANDA-NEWS. From July 1, the provision under which the sign has not to have information that contains advertising enters into force. The relevant provision is contained in the license conditions of the business of drug manufacturing, wholesale and retail sale of medicines.

In paragraph 2.12 of section II of the licensing conditions stated as follows: "On the facade of the building, where located a pharmacy, according to it appropriation, a sign indicating only the type of institution has to be, namely: "Pharmaceutical composition", "Pharmacy", "Pharmaceutical item", "Pharmaceutical stand". Near the entrance to the pharmacy in a prominent place is general information also information about the entity's work of pharmacy. For pharmacies and their structural units must be available information about the location of the twenty-four-hour and the nearest pharmacy. The licensee may install signal indicator that is not advertising".

As noted on the air of one of Ukrainian TV channels Deputy Chairman of  Derzhliksluzhby Ukraine Inna Demchenko "social" drug store, drugstore "low" or "best" prices - if it is a direct name, then this information may be posted on the rating sign at a small entrance, but on the facade of the building should be written only the word "pharmacy."

The deadline for implementation of this requirement - July 1, 2012.