OREANDA-NEWS. May 04, 2012. TATNEFT has been actively developing methods aimed at further improving the efficiency and reliability of the oilfield equipment operation. The leading specialists of TATNEFT Company have offered a new way of arranging the anode earthing, reported the press-centre of TATNEFT.

The existing anode bed installation technologies have a number of essential shortcomings that affect the efficiency of the oilfield equipment corrosion protection. One of these drawbacks is the electrical contact fault between the anode earthing electrodes due to the subsidence in the operation process. This is especially characteristic of the anode beds happen to be within an area of underground rivers. Another drawback of the existing designs is impossibility to repair the anode bed during operation.

These defects were successfully eliminated by the anode bed installation technology developed by the specialists of TATNEFT by hanging a ferrosilid electrode column on nonmetallic cable and using cover.

The anode bed installation in the hung up position with the installed additional electrodes/potheads solved the problem of the contact reliability between the electrodes. In addition, the introduction of the cover made it possible to retrieve the suspended defective anodic earthing from the well and then lower the fault free one during the operation. Application of these technologies allows extending the life of the anode bed and reducing the cost of its installation.

This development can be used not only in oil, gas and energy industries, but also in the utilities sector through application of electrochemical protection for pipelines.

This invention was awarded a gold medal at the XV-th Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies "Archimedes - 2012".